温凤桐,男,博士、教授、硕士生导师,获济南大学优秀教师、济南大学优秀班主任等荣誉称号。主要从事密码协议理论方面的研究,主持山东省自然科学基金三项,获山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖三等奖两项,在《Computers and Electrical Engineering》,《Wireless Personal Communications》,《Security and Communication Networks》,《Multimedia Tools and Applications》,《Soft Computing》等国内外期刊发表高水平学术论文40余篇,SCI论文引用超过210次。培养硕士研究生10余名。
1.Fengtong Wen, xuelei Li. An improved dynamic ID-based remote user authentication with key agreement scheme. Computers and Electrical Engineering.38(2): 381-387 , 2011. (SCI,IF=0.928)
2.Fengtong Wen, Willy Susilo and Guomin Yang. A Secure and Effective Anonymous User Authentication Scheme for Roaming Service in Global Mobility Networks. Wireless Personal Communications,73( 3): 993-1004, 2013 (SCI,IF=0.428)
3.Fengtong Wen, Willy Susilo and Guomin Yang. A Robust Smart Card Based Anonymous User Authentication Protocol for Wireless Communications. Security and Communication Networks, 7:987-993, 2014 . (SCI,IF=0.311)
4.Fengtong Wen.A Robust Uniqueness-and-Anonymity-Preserving Remote User Authentication Scheme for Connected Health Care. Journal of Medical Systems, 37(6):9980,2013. (SCI,IF=1.783)
5Fengtong Wen. A More Secure Anonymous User Authentication Scheme for the Integrated EPR Information System,Journal of Medical Systems, 38(5):42,2014. (SCI,IF=1.783)
6.Fengtong Wen, Dianli Guo. An Improved Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Telecare Medical Information Systems,Journal of Medical Systems, 38(5):26,2014. (SCI.IF=1.783)
7.Dianli Guo,FengtongWen. Analysis and Improvement of a Robust Smart Card Based- Authentication Scheme for Multi-Server Architecture,Wireless Personal Communications,DOI 10.1007/s11277-014-1762-7, 014.(SCI,IF=0.428)
8.Fengtong Wen, Willy Susilo, Guomin Yang,Analysis and Improvement on a Biometric-Based Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards,Wireless Personal Communications,80(4):1747-1760(SCI).
9、Lin, Hao,Wen, Fengtong,Du, Chunxia .An anonymous and secure authentication and key agreement scheme for session initiation protocol.Multimedia Tools and Applications,76(2):2315-2329,2017.(SCI)
10、Hao Lin,Fengtong Wen,Chunxia Du,An Improved Anonymous Multi-Server Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme Using Smart Cards and Biometrics,Wireless Pers Commun (2015) 84:2351–2362,(SCI)
11zhangxin,wenfengtong.An novel anonymous user WSN authentication for Internet of Things. Soft Computing (2019), 23, pages5683–5691